Remember the film Alien anyone? Scared the pants off me! Well my claim to fame was while on a night out some years ago in Edinburgh I shared a drink with a guy that was in this film which was the sequal about the prison planet. He played the prison governor and was eaten by an alien. He drank Campari and Lemonade!! He's dead in real life I believe
Anyway if anyone is interested in SciFi there's an informative website resource so take a look it's:
Also there is a healthy British development in erotic comics. So for any comic buffs out there who may join me in thinking Tim Pilcher is pretty cool maybe this will tickle your taste buds:
Tim Pilcher's Erotic Comics: A Graphic History, Volume 1: From Birth to the 1970s book (pictured above) has been banned by Australian customs from entering the country. Customs have demanded that a special large sticker with an "M" on it must be placed on the cover—indicating that the book is for “Mature Readers”—otherwise the books will be prevented from being sold in Australia. Tim Pilcher said, “I find it ludicrous and risible that the Australian authorities need a big sticker to point out the book is for ‘adults only’. Surely the word ‘Erotic’ in the title gives it away? Perhaps they got confused with the word ‘Comics’ and couldn’t believe that adults read sequential literature!”
The second volume in the series (pictured above) is due to be published on 8 January 2009 in the UK (the American edition is to be released by Abrams ComicArts on 1 March), picking up where the first volume left off, revealing how European, American and Asian artists have explored the possibility of the form in the years since the explosion of the Sixties’ underground comix.
Erotic Comics: A Graphic History, Volume 2 examines how the form has become an international publishing phenomenon by showcasing artwork that has inflamed desires, incensed censors, and caused controversy. This provocative title covers everything: the erotic comics explosion in America in the mid-’80s; the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender comics scene; UK and European erotic comic creators since the ’70s; and the Japanese hentai phenomenon. The future of erotic comics online is also explored in this fascinating and surprising volume.
In the first survey of its kind in over 20 years, volume 2 completes this fascinating two-part chronicle with previously unpublished, rare and out-of-print material, featuring insights from key artists, editors, and publishers. Fully illustrated with stunning, rare and seldom-seen art by Howard Cruse, Gengoroh Tagame, Melinda Gebbie, Hunt Emerson, Howard Chaykin, Giovanna Casotto (whose work graces the cover), Tom of Finland, Milo Manara, Junko Mizuno, and many other top erotic cartoonists. The informative text provides a sexy, intriguing, and entertaining tour through the origins of an often-overlooked art form and comic book genre.
Sunday, 23 November: Conversations: Stripping Off - Erotic Comics
4.00pm to 5.00pm Nash & Brandon Rooms, ICA Tickets: Each talk - £6, £5 concs, £4 members (All three of today's talks - £15, £12 concs, £9 members)
A romp through modern X-rated comics with Erich von Gotha, Lynn Paul Meadows, Garry Leach and Wicked Wanda writer Frederic Mullaly. Hosted by Tim Pilcher, author of Erotic Comics: A Graphic History. With The Erotic Review & Ilex Press
Anyway my favourite scifi erotic film has got to be Barbarella (1968) with Jane Fonda how sexy is she?